Optimizing your deliverability

Our responsibility as an emailing solution is to manage its technical aspects so that you can concentrate on the essential: building relationships with your subscribers.

Why this is important

Fraudulent emails have become more difficult to detect in recent years, prompting ISPs, email services and spam filters to increase their efforts to stop them, so enhancing your reputation and deliverability is crucial. No guarantee can be made of 100% deliverability since the factors have become more numerous and complex but deliverability optimization will undoubtedly improve your performance campaign after campaign.

How to optimize your deliverability

Your sender reputation, authentication, and the quality of your mailings should be taken into consideration when maximizing your deliverability. While best practices are still to be considered when drafting, these other factors are becoming increasingly important.

Authentication is extremely important

SenderID and SPF, DKIM and DMARC:  in recent years, these "strange" terms have become integral to fighting spam. When it comes to authentication, these technologies are essential. You must still respect the other aspects of email deliverability since they are not synonymous with "authorization".

Sender reputation

Reputation is a factor used increasingly by spam filters to determine whether a message is spam, based on the IP address and domain used. As with all indicators, it can improve and deteriorate over time. It is a particularly complex indicator that can be monitored over time and optimized through your technical and marketing actions. Keeping a good reputation is not only the responsibility of the sender, but also of the intermediary, especially in the case of shared IP addresses.

Your mailing lists

Your methods for building and managing your subscriber base will also determine your deliverability. Ideally, you should collect addresses through double opt-in.

With the list manager, duplicates, bounces, unsubscribes, and spam complaints will be automatically eliminated, ensuring better deliverability over time.

Content: what subscribers will see

This is certainly the most discussed point when marketers talk about deliverability. As you may have noticed, most of your time will be spent on this point when you use an Email Service Provider such as ours. Using templates and writing in emails requires strict adherence to rules. You can lose a lot of performance if you don't know the best practices for content creation.

Delivering your campaigns more effectively

If you want your email marketing actions to yield results, you need a plan for deliverability. Regardless of your goal:

  • Deliverability issues are mainly found in mass emailing. You may find it more or less difficult to obtain responsiveness from your recipients depending on your objective. Take caution when developing your practices.
  • The deliverability of transactional emails is less problematic since the engagement level is supposed to be extremely high. They are the messages your customers expect most, but you need to pay attention to their delivery or you will be perceived very poorly.

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