Generating engagement

To generate this engagement, you can start by keeping a recognizable format throughout your campaigns. In this way, you can save time when creating your next email by duplicating the first one you sent. You can learn how to do it here.

The engagement rate lets you have an idea of how well your campaigns are doing and add room for improvement.

Why this is important

A list with a high level of engagement shows your recipients are interested in what you are sending them. If your engagement is low, you should consider different strategies to boost your open and click rates.

Your customer base can be contacted via email to start or continue a conversation. Talking about promotions and special deals is great, but it doesn't generate a lot of conversation. According to this rule of thumb, 80% of your communications should be content that adds value to your customer, and only 20% should be sales pitches.

How to keep your readers' engaged

The latest great deal is a great conversation starter, but here are some additional ideas:

Be the expert

Provide relevant information about your industry: If you write paranormal romance for both MF and MM, you could separate your readers by pairings, and suggest a variety of titles. 

Customer reminders

It is equally crucial to remind current readers why they should keep using or buying a brand as it is to promote it to potential readers.  

You can just say "hi"

Sometimes, you can just say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy New Year” without saying “Big Blowout Offer”!" Greet your readers and let them know you just want to stay in touch with them.

It’s even better to say thank you

Did you attend an event where you met a lot of new people? Tell them you appreciate their time by sending them a thank you email and asking them about what interests them.

Oh wow – you remembered!

Upon asking people when their birthdays are, you can send them a "Birthday Present" by email: they could print out the e-mail you sent them to redeem their gift. There's no need to remember the date: just create twelve groups (one for every month) and schedule an email to go out on the first of every month.

Share a story

If you're a historical author, and you travelled to Scotland to witness an awesome tradition taking place, you might be able to share it with your readers.

Any company changes

Attending an event? Send an email to your readers in a city to let them know you'll be nearby. 

Are you visiting?

Are you attending a tradeshow? Hosting a special event? Invite your readers via email. Aside from being cheaper and more eco-friendly, you can also actually inspect who reads the invitation.

Make sure your readers are engaged with relevant and interesting content according to your brand identity and marketing strategy. We are always delighted to propose new ways we can continue to enrich your email experience.

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Sending Email Campaigns: Tips and Recommendations
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