Understanding and setting up private sender email addresses

There are two kinds of sender email addresses:

  • Private email addresses
  • Free email addresses

In this article you can find out the drawbacks of using a free email address vs the benefits of using a private email address and how to properly set one up.

Using a private email address

  • You will have higher open rates.
  • You are in control of your online sender reputation.
  • You can establish your brand and be recognizable to your recipients.

You can benefit from your own private email address when sending email campaigns, making your brand recognizable to recipients. When you own a private email address, you are responsible for its sender reputation, which you can manage to improve your deliverability with good practices. Ideally, the recipient, who is anticipating the campaign from your recognizable email address, will more than likely open it since it is in line with his expectations.

Using a free email address 

  • Your email campaigns are more likely to end up in spam.
  • It is harder for your recipients to recognize you.
  • Your emails don't look professional. 

You can create a free email address at any time. The most popular providers for this service include Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail and iCloud among others. You would typically use this as a personal email. However, these should not be used to send out bulk email campaigns.  

Simply put, a recipient cannot verify your identity when you use a free email address as the sender email. As an example, Yahoo! considers you an impersonator if you send a newsletter through an email marketing service that ends with @yahoo.com which results in an increase in spam complaints. Meanwhile, from the perspective of your recipient, your company appears less established and perhaps even unprofessional with a Yahoo.com sender email.

How to setup a private email address

If you already have a private email address: change the sender email address

If you already have a private email address that belongs to you and is associated with your brand, simply add it as a sender. You can now safely change the sender email address for campaigns. 

If you don't already have a private email address: purchase and register one

If you don't have a private email address yet, you can purchase and register one online.

  • 1. Decide on a private email address and register it.

Keep a consistent identity with your recipients by making sure it relates to your brand and your website. You will improve your email deliverability by using an email address with a domain that you own.

  • 2. Choose the correct domain provider when buying a domain email address.

Find the one that's right for you. Here are some pointers that might prove useful when choosing where to register it:

  • You should search for a domain with helpful customer support to assist you with setting up your domain and email address.Make sure it includes WHOIS Privacy so that your contact info is safe.Be sure you have full control over your domain name, in case you wish to switch services.
    • You should search for a domain with helpful customer support to assist you with setting up your domain and email address.
    • Make sure it includes WHOIS Privacy so that your contact info is safe.
    • Be sure you have full control over your domain name, in case you wish to switch services.
  • 3. Authenticate your domain

To prove who you are, make sure you authenticate your email address.

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